Collection: Passing by

Passing by was Bug's first collection of works brought together for a solo exhibition and it examines the relationship we have with the things around us. The work explores the speed which we are pushed to lead lives against a backdrop of home and what some might think of as the mundane.

Bug uses long exposure to place the viewer in the fast moving world around them. He uses bold and contrasting colour to digitally enhance the artworks to emphasise the impact on the senses. The languages used for the titles are unrecognisable to Bug, referencing the difficulties Bug has in making sense of the environment.

"I use different types of filters to turn my photos into what they are, once I've put a certain type of filter on the photo, I edit the brightness, contrast, exposure, vibrance, saturation and different colourways until the image represents what I am seeing or trying to say."

"When my senses are overstimulated I've learnt to focus on something still and stable where there'll be no suprises I need this to dial down the brightness, contrast, vibrance and colourways that can get out of control."