
Autistic Minds Live 2023

Autistic Minds Live 2023

It was the biggest honour to launch my new art collection "Standing Still" at Autistic Minds Live 2023 last Friday. The day was one of the best days of my...

Autistic Minds Live 2023

It was the biggest honour to launch my new art collection "Standing Still" at Autistic Minds Live 2023 last Friday. The day was one of the best days of my...

Bug is in Times Square New York!

Bug is in Times Square New York!

In conjunction with launching my new art collection "Standing Still" at Autistic Minds Live in Cardiff. Bug will have one of the art pieces that's apart of the "Standing Still"...

Bug is in Times Square New York!

In conjunction with launching my new art collection "Standing Still" at Autistic Minds Live in Cardiff. Bug will have one of the art pieces that's apart of the "Standing Still"...



Yes that's right I was on TV!!! So honoured and humbling to be on TV and the same show as Kimberley Nixon. I was on ITV Wales news and ITV...


Yes that's right I was on TV!!! So honoured and humbling to be on TV and the same show as Kimberley Nixon. I was on ITV Wales news and ITV...

Cowbridge update.

Cowbridge update.

About halfway through my pop up shop and exhibition in Cowbridge now, and it's been AMAZING!!! After the opening to it, on the weekend so many people popped in all...

Cowbridge update.

About halfway through my pop up shop and exhibition in Cowbridge now, and it's been AMAZING!!! After the opening to it, on the weekend so many people popped in all...

Opening for Cowbridge

Opening for Cowbridge

It was lovely to see everyone's reactions to my new exhibition in Cowbridge. It was a great feeling to have family and some family friends come and support me with...

Opening for Cowbridge

It was lovely to see everyone's reactions to my new exhibition in Cowbridge. It was a great feeling to have family and some family friends come and support me with...

Autistic minds live

Autistic minds live

Bug will launch his 'Standing Still' collection in autistic minds live on Friday 22nd September 2023!

Autistic minds live

Bug will launch his 'Standing Still' collection in autistic minds live on Friday 22nd September 2023!