Bug in Chinwe Russell Auctions

Bug in Chinwe Russell Auctions

Bug is in Chinwe Russell Auctions!
Bugs 'red alert' art piece is in a auction that will take place in the UK and America!!!!!!!! Everyone be ready the auction begins on July 28th.
About 'red alert'

When editing this art piece I wanted to represent when I’ve had my panic attacks, meltdowns and whenever I go out in public. Heart pace electrifying like I’m dying, I feel everything going on around me is living in this moment in time going on with their lives where I have to process everything and take everything in with everyone living and I’m frozen, with my heart beating fast to try and survive with everything on ReD AlErT. 

Printed on acrylic glass

100cm x 50 cm

To see the Auction Catalog click this link:
Try and find Bug's 'red alert' art piece!!!
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